Revenue and Distribution

optiREZ takes care of all the details, successfully optimizing resort revenue and distribution, delivering results with little to no cost or effort on the part of the HOA or resort management.

Revenue Management Made Easy

Accurate Demand Forecast

Yield management is based on the principle of supply and demand.

Work With the Right Mix of Online Channels

OptIREZ has access to over 200 major distribution channels and will find the “highest and best” use for your resort’s inventory

Direct Bookings - OTAs

Direct hotel bookings are of course, the preferred mode of selling rooms. OptiREZ will define a winning strategy for your hotel to drive direct, commission-free bookings

Smartly Allocate Your Inventory Online

A channel manager can be of great help to assure that all the rooms are booked through a pooled inventory model, eliminating likelihoods of overbooking or under booking.

Know Your Consumer

Travelers worldwide are glued to the Internet for all things related to booking their travel, including researching about their stay and making bookings online, all to be done in a quick and easy way

Real Results for your Resort Property

Actual client results



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